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Root Canal Therapy

Waterloo Dentist

There are few dental procedures that cause quite as much anticipated fear as the root canal. However, the stigma that it carries with it is completely undeserved. Root canal therapy is fast, relatively comfortable, and pain-free. In fact, you’ll find that this dental procedure will actually relieve you of pain you’re currently feeling and help to avoid further dental complications.

Dr. Wang and Dr. Zhao can provide you with a detailed breakdown of the procedure to help put your mind at ease. The most important thing to remember is that root canal treatment at Forest Hill Family Dental will help to improve your oral health and restore your confident smile.

Understanding Root Canal Therapy

In the very center of a tooth is a soft area that houses all of the nerves going to that tooth. This area is the pulp chamber. If the pulp chamber succumbs to infection as a result of cavities, decay, or trauma to the tooth, root canal treatment will become necessary.

Without treatment, the infection inside of the tooth can potentially lead to the development of an abscess and a spread of the infection. Swelling, increased pain, and the risk of the infection entering your blood stream are possible without treatment. Bone loss and the ultimate loss of the tooth is also possible.

The signs of a root canal infection can vary, but the pain is often your first indicator that there is room for concern. Discoloration of the tooth may occur, along with tender and swollen gums around the infected tooth. You may also see a pustule on the gum near the inflamed tooth. This is a definite sign of an infection and needs to be seen as soon as possible.

In Kitchener, Ontario, Dr. Wang and Dr. Zhao will examine the infected tooth and provide you with a treatment plan designed for your needs.

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Several years ago your root canal therapy would have taken place over the course of multiple appointments and would have been less than enjoyable. Today in your appointment with Dr. Wang and Dr. Zhao, you’ll have the entire procedure completed in one visit, with your comfort being the priority of Forest Hill Family Dental.

The area around your infected tooth will be numbed to ease your discomfort during the procedure, and then Dr. Wang and Dr. Zhao will begin to remove the infected tissue. A filling material will replace the infected tissue that was in the root canal cavity, and your tooth will be prepared for a crown.

Call Forest Hill Family Dental today, to make your appointment with Dr. Wang and Dr. Zhao. There’s no need to live with the pain of an infected or damaged tooth. Allow Forest Hill Family Dental to help keep you smiling.