Bone grafting might sound like a scary procedure, but it’s often something that must be done for patients being prepared for dental implants. Implants are a form of permanent prosthetics that’s can’t be removed like dentures. They help restore function to mouths that have lost teeth due to diseases like periodontitis, and also give patients an improved feeling of self-esteem. The process of getting implants takes about a year, and much of the time is spent healing from procedures like bone grafting.
What is bone grafting surgery?
Bone grafting is a common procedure that dentists now do to accommodate dental implants.It plays a crucial role in fixing bones that have been damaged by trauma or disease. It can be used to grow bone about artificial joints, or in the case of dentistry, around dental implant rods.
Additionally, bone grafts can be used to fill places where bone is missing or weak. When a patient suffers from a disease like advanced periodontitis, it’s highly likely that the infection has spread and eaten away at their jaw bone. As a result, before the doctor can place implant rods he must have a stable ground. This is why a bone graft is performed prior to placement of the rods.
Types of Bone Grafts
There are two types of bone grafts that are common. The first is called an allograph. It relies on bone from a cadaver that has been sanitized and stored in a tissue bank. The second type of bone graft is called an autograft and it comes from bone that is inside your body – typically ribs, hips, and wrists.
When used in dental procedures an autograft is most commonly implemented. The allograft is more common for replacement of hips and knees.
What are the risks of getting a bone graft?
Like any surgery, a bone graft procedure comes with risks. These include pain, swelling, nerve injury, and inflammation. A rare risk is reabsorption of the graft.
What are the benefits of a bone graft?
A bone graft creates a stable ground for the titanium rods that supports crowns to be implanted in. Without that stable ground the implant wouldn’t take and the patient risks not healing.
How do I prepare for the surgery?
Before you’re cleared for bone graft surgery the doctor will perform a thorough exam and will have blood work performed to make sure there aren’t any issues with your blood work that could indicate more serious problems.
After you go through this thorough exam and are cleared for surgery the doctor will schedule your surgery. Prior to the surgery you’ll have to fast so that you don’t run into any complications while under anesthesia. You’ll also want to make sure you have someone to drive you to and from the surgery, as you won’t be fit to drive.
More detailed instructions will be provided once the doctor schedules your appointment, as he will ensure they’re customized to your needs and unique case and get you the best results possible.