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waterloo dentist

Why Should You Choose a Pediatric Dentist For Your Kids?

Your child should ideally visit the dentist for routine checkups and cleanings, as this helps ensure their teeth and gums remain healthy. It’s natural for children to become uncomfortable or even scared when visiting a dentist, but seeing a pediatric dentist has the potential to make a big difference.  Why Choose a Pediatric Dentist? This…

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Looking For a Dentist in Waterloo?

Taking care of your teeth is very important, and it’s a must that you prioritize your oral health. Regular cleanings and checkups need to be a part of your routine, so you need to find a dentist you feel comfortable with. The dental clinic you select must be able to cater to your needs and…

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Practice Proper Dental Care Habits During COVID-19

Practicing good dental care habits during COVID-19 has never been more critical. We are all aware of the importance of regular brushing and flossing to prevent tooth decay, cavity and other dental issues. The pandemic situation has forced lockdown in many parts of the world, affecting dental clinics and visits. While emergency dental care may…

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How To Get Perfectly Natural Dentures

Dentures are generally thought of as the least preferred option for replacing missing teeth. They may not look as natural as dental implants or dental bridges. However, if you can communicate clearly with your dentist about your priorities, dentures may be a viable solution. Moreover, you can even get dentures to look as natural as…

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Why Do I Have White Spots on My Teeth?

White spots on your teeth are known as decalcification and are a form of acute discoloration. It is a common dental problem that many people experience, and while it is a cosmetic issue, most people want to treat these spots and want to prevent them from reappearing in the future. These spots can happen to…

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Everything You Need To Know About Veneers

You may have given braces, teeth whitening and other cosmetic dentistry services a try, but still aren’t completely satisfied with the results. Most people are not born with perfectly straight, white teeth, but fortunately, they can achieve this smile easily with veneers. Teeth deficiencies affect many Canadians and can, unfortunately, play a large role in…

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What Can I Do to Prevent Dental Problems?

Practicing regular oral maintenance is a key component to maintaining your overall health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to diabetes and other ailments, which is why it is crucial that you have a daily oral hygiene routine. Regularly brushing and flossing not only decreases your chances of suffering from long-term health issues but also ensures…

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How to Take Care of Your Teeth as You Age

As the birthday candles start piling up on your cake, dental problems do too, and they are nothing to smile about. After 65, as your physical health starts to decline, your dental health starts to lose its grip too. Your teeth are strong but decades of chewing, biting, grinding, consuming tons of acidic food and…

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Why Flossing Is So Essential To Your Oral Care Routine

Many of us are guilty of not flossing daily. Brushing your teeth is extremely important, but flossing is just as important for the health of your mouth, which is why it is essential to your oral care routine.  Flossing not only helps remove plaque but also prevents the build-up of it which can lead to…

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Toothache Causes and Pain Relief Treatments

Toothaches are awful, painful and will prevent you from enjoying your day because of how much it hurts. Normally, toothaches are caused because of problems with your teeth or your jaw and in both cases, the situation is not only uncomfortable but unbearable as well. The pain varies from person to person and depending on…

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How Sedation Dentistry Can Put You at Ease

No matter what your age or how brave you are, dental anxiety is hard to escape for most. About 40% of Canadians reportedly suffer from the thought of potential pain, more than what they actually encounter during regular dental hygiene appointments. Some patients suffer more acutely than others. They may have phobias stemming from unpleasant…

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How to Prevent Dry Mouth While Sleeping

After a long day, all you really want is to get some rest and a good night’s sleep. It is important that you are comfortable in every way when it is time to put your head on your pillow and you do not want any interruptions. Dry mouth is one of those things that can…

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Am I A Candidate For Dentures?

If you’ve recently lost a tooth, or have been living without teeth for some time, you may be wondering if dentures are a viable solution for your needs. What will determine if you’re eligible for dentures is the number of teeth you’re missing and your overall dental health. There are three different types of dentures…

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Types Of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a peril that is faced by anyone who has teeth, which most likely includes everyone who is reading this article. The whole time we’re growing up we hear from our dentist’s, our teacher’s, and our parent’s that brushing and flossing are our only lines of defense. While this is largely true, we…

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Fun Facts About Teeth

Your dental health is important and should be taken seriously, but there is always time for a bit of fun too. These are some facts about teeth that you might not have known about. Knowing more about your teeth and how your lifestyle affects your oral health can help you take better care of your…

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Can I Keep My Wisdom Teeth?

When our patients hear the words ‘wisdom teeth’ its not unusual for them to wince, as many of them have become convinced that there’s only one road for those who develop wisdom teeth. That road ends in a surgery where their molars get surgically removed and they come out with an embarrassing video showing them…

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What Is A Composite Filling?

Composite resins are a durable and attractive way of treating teeth that, through damage caused by accidents or decay, have become compromised. This style of filling works to restore the tooth while retaining a natural appearance using a material that is stronger and more effective than silver or mercury amalgam fillings. These fillings can be…

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Your Oral Health Can Have Whole Body Consequences

There are a variety of concerns that come to mind when we’re thinking about the impact of our dental health. From simple cavities and fillings to the specters of gingivitis and root canals, we hear about this common ailments every day and they all share one thing in common. They’re all centered on our mouth,…

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How Does Oral Health Help Your Overall Health

Taking the right steps to keep your mouth clean can help prevent tooth decay, bad breath, gum disease, and support the rest of your body stay healthy. A clean mouth can help ward off other medical disorders, while an unhealthy mouth could increase your risk of various health problems such as stroke and heart attack.…

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Understanding Porcelain Veneers and Dental Crowns

When you’ve discovered that you’re going to need dental work done to restore a damaged tooth or manage decay, you’re going to learn that there are a lot more options out there than you might have expected. As you start searching you’ve probably been experiencing a deluge of new terms, Invisalign, bridges, crowns, veneers, fillings,…

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One-Visit Crowns Can Make Restoring Teeth A Breeze

For decades there has been a standing truth, there was no way to stop in and get a crown done in just one day. If you needed a crown, it was inevitable that you were going to spend several visits getting it done, but recently the facts behind these procedures have changed. A new piece…

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Long Term Planning

When people think of long-term medical planning they almost inevitably start thinking about their relationship with their physician and what kind of family history they have that may indicate what’s coming down the road. It isn’t often that they consider that a long-term plan for your dental health is just as important, with just as…

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The Structure Of Your Teeth

There are a series of white monuments that stand within the pink cave that is our mouths, and we all most commonly know them by the name ‘teeth’. But aside from their incredible utility in speaking and eating, how much do most of us know about them? The answer, sadly, is “not much”, a sorry…

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What Periodontists Do For Patients

We’ve all heard of dentists, dental assistants, and hygienists, but there aren’t as many of us that are familiar with the specialty within dentistry known as a periodontist.  What a dentist does for your teeth, a periodontist does for your gums and other supporting structures for your teeth, making them an important part of your…

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A Checklist for Your Next Dental Visit

At Forest Hill Family Dental, we realize that visiting the dentist can be a somewhat stressful occurrence. Even if you don’t suffer from dental anxiety, the business of everyday life can also make important details tough to recall. In order to get the most from your dental appointment and maximize your time spent in the…

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7 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Dental Phobia

No matter how gentle and compassionate your dentist is, your child may harbor fears about their dental appointments. Advanced numbing medicines and technology are increasingly allowing patients to relax more, but it’s always hard to convince little children; 20% of school kids reportedly get anxious about dental visits. Forest Hill Family Dental in Kitchener has…

What Questions Should I Ask My Hygienist?

Being an active participant in your dental care will help you to make the most of your dental appointments. Asking questions is an important part of self-education and participating in your dental health. At Forest Hill Family Dentistry, we encourage you to be an active participant in your dental care and we welcome any questions…

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Best and worst foods for your teeth

When it comes to dental hygiene, we all try our best to brush twice a day and floss daily. For most of us, that is all we focus on when it comes to keeping our teeth healthy and clean. However, there are some steps we need to take to ensure our teeth are getting the…

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What Happens at a Dental Checkup?

Before scheduling that trip to the dentist you’ve been meaning to get around to, you may be wondering what to expect. Knowing what happens during a dental checkup is an easy way to alleviate any anxiety you may have and it will also help you to be more prepared for your dental checkup. While individual…

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